Feb. 2- Fred Schramm (New NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 3- Anna Plichta (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 4- Deb Legere (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/Honorary Member/Kitchen Magician/Photos)
Feb. 8- Betsy Bonneau (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/former secretary)
Feb. 14-Roland Lemoi (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 16-Roland Lafrenaye (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 18-Mary Jane Mathewson (Long time NECMC member/contributor/former Chaplain)
Feb. 20-Joe Boisvert (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 22- Dave Balfour (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/WOON radio)
Feb. 22- Austin Knight (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/Last Ride)
Feb. 29- Kris Teceno (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Feb. 29- Michelle DuMond (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/former Alt. Sgt. At Arms)
Mar. 5- Butch Wetherell (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/HOF/PHOENIX RIZE'N)
Jan. 3- Gerri Remillard (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 6- Joe Dupre (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 8- Ken Landry (Long time NECMC member/contributor/NECMC vice pres./ Durango Mango)
Jan. 9– Fran Vincent (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan.13- Doris Armstrong (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 19–D.Linda Fitzgerald (Long time NECMC member/contributor/HOF/Mountaineer F& F)
Jan. 24-Michael Turgeon (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 24-Beverly Carriere (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 24-John Medina (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 27– Ray Devault (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/HOF/Phoenix Rize'n)
Jan. 27-Damien St. Louis (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 30-Janet Vertefeuille (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Jan. 31-John Wojcik (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
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Happy Birthday to yoooou!
The New England Country Music Bylaw book explains that no membership lists are
allowed to be copied and handed out to anyone. This is in an effort to protect your privacy.
However at the May 2008 NECMC meeting, a vote was taken and passed to include an "option" on our applications for all members to decide for themselves whether they will allow their addresses to be given to others ONLY for the purpose of sending cards or notes for Birthdays or in the event of illness of a member or a death in a member's family or the death of a member.
Also, we would like your permission to use your photo in the "Celebrity Contest." We would appreciate it if you will allow us to make you a "Celebrity" in our newsletter- this too, is optional.
Just let us know if you want to be included in these lists;
Here is the Birthday List of those who agreed to have their Birthdays announced--
Note; we NEVER ask for the "year" you were born- just the month and day!
To be included in our Birthday list- send us the information, call us or fill in the space provided on your renewal form !
To anyone we’ve missed ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (and, please tell us to update our records with your date!)
Mar. 7- Ken Scribner (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Mar. 11- Roland Lapierre (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Mar. 12-Roger Benoit (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Mar. 22- Barbara E. Bourque (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter)
Mar. 30- Stephen Murray (Long time NECMC member/contributor/supporter/treasurer)