If you have already submitted before 5/12/09
PLEASE re-submit- our system went "blooey"
John Black's
NECMC Newsletter link beginning June- 2009
(supplement to NECMC website above)
A link you NEVER want to experience!
To navigate to some funny
videos and a tribute page for Patches.
NECMC NOW in its 46th YEAR!
Visit our page at Country Locals!
(Join our GROUP) Win A PRIZE!!!
FREE Search Engine- Scrub The Web!
No, not yours-- ours--but, it will take you back to Durango Mango's front page, too!
To add YOUR link to our "links" page, send us your information and URL and we will review your link for acceptable content, then add it here
(no "adult only" material, no soliciting)
I Can't BELIEVE they would
stoop so low to use such a
"corny" gag.
....wait a minute,
Yes. I can.
But, check out this site,
if you're a "Pig Meat Man"
(or gal) like Harvey Keene!
Please contact us if you would like to add your link to our page
by clicking on the Durango Mango logo below!
Ken Landry website
w/music click on picture!